Thursday, January 20, 2011

America's Secret Establishment An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (Anthony G. Sutton)
October 21, 2009
Tavistock the Best Kept Secret in America
[Editor, Tim Aho's note: The wife of Winston Lord (CFR, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones), Bette Bao Lord (CFR, Bilderberg), is Chairman of the Board of Freedom House whose manipulation of the Christian Right via the Religious Persecution issue is documented in our report Freedom House: A CFR Front.]

One of the principal but little known operations of the Rockefeller Foundation has been its techniques for controlling world agriculture. Its director, Kenneth Wernimont, set up Rockefeller controlled agricultural programs throughout Mexico and Latin America. The independent farmer is a great threat to the World Order, because he produces for himself, and because his produce can be converted into capital, which gives him independence. In Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks believed they had attained total control over the people; they were dismayed to find their plans threatened by the stubborn independence of the small farmers, the Kulaks.
The SPOTLIGHT December 13, 1999 The CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger Connection
This is a list of members of the New World Order and their affiliation.

copy; $4 for 6 copies; 40 or more copies are just 30 cents each) send 
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The SPOTLIGHT, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003
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Editorial Reviews


Trine Day is to be commended for publishing a new, expanded version. -- High Times Magazine September 2002

Product Description

For 170 years they have met in secret. From out of their initiates come presidents, senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, and plenty of spooks. They are the titans of finance and industry and have now installed a third member as United States President George W. Bush. This intriguing behind-the-scenes look documents Yale's secretive society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its prominent members, numbering among them Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. Far from being a campus fraternity, the society is more concerned with the success of its members in the post-collegiate world. Included are a verified membership list, rare reprints of original Order materials revealing the interlocking power centers dominated by Bonesmen, and a peek inside the Tomb, their 140-year-old private clubhouse.
See all Editorial Reviews

Council on Foreign Relations Video 62.19 mins.

Can Americans Think (Strategically)? (Video)

Speaker: Kishore Mahbubani, Dean and Professor in the Practice of Public Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Presider: The Honorable Winston Lord, Chairman Emeritus, International Rescue Committee; Former President, Council on Foreign Relations

October 22, 2010
General Meeting: Can Americans Think (Strategically)?
Dean Kishore Mahbubani discusses the relations of the United States with the ASEAN countries, China, and India as well as strategic geopolitical contradictions and opportunities for the United States in Asia.


The Pillsbury Family

The flour magnates enlisted by Frederick T. Gates to found the University of Chicago included Charles A. Pillsbury (died 1899), whose uncle was John S. Pillsbury (1827-1901), the governor of Minnesota from 1876 to 1887. Charles had twin sons, John S. Pillsbury and Charles S. Pillsbury. John Sargent Pillsbury Jr., who became president of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., was initiated into Skull & Bones class of 1935; and Edward Pennington Pillsbury, who died prior to 1952, was in the S&B class of 1936. The former governor's brother, George A. Pillsbury, was a member of the first board of trustees of the University of Chicago.
George A. Pillsbury /
John S. Pillsbury /
Mary Pillsbury Lord (Mrs. Oswald Bates Lord) was a director of the National Citizens Committee for the World Health Organization in 1964. Her husband was a member of Skull & Bones class of 1926, and her son, Winston Lord, the former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, is a member of S&B class of 1959. She is also the mother-in-law of Bette Bao Lord. Fellow directors included Basil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation; Harold S. Diehl of the American Cancer Society; and Howard A. Rusk.
National Citizens Committee for the World Health Organization, Final Board Meeting, 1964 / tobacco document
National Citizens Committee for the World Health Organization, 1964 / tobacco document
In 1974, Mrs. Lord was on the Board of Directors of the American Association for World Health, Inc., the US Committee for the World Health Organization. Fellow directors included Leona Baumgartner; Walter G. James, Vice President for Public Education of the American Cancer Society; George Baehr of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York; and Howard A. Rusk.
American Association for World Health, 1974 / tobacco document
Lord, Mary Pillsbury: Papers, 1941-72 / Dwight D. Eisenhower Library (pdf)
Mrs. Oswald Lord was a member of Republicans for Progress, a splinter group of "progressive" Republicans headed by Charles P. Taft, S&B 1918 (19 Republicans Join Party Progressives. New York Times, Apr. 15, 1965.) Other members included Walter N. Thayer, who was a member of the Ash Council that created the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Mrs. Webster B. Todd, the mother of EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman. And, Taft's crony, John C. Topping Jr., lobbied for the EPA to proclaim that secondhand smoke caused cancer, and was a crony of the secret author of the main chapters of the EPA's report.

History of Frank Russell Company

The Frank Russell Company is an investment services firm that advises more than 1,000 money management clients in 35 countries who oversee $1 trillion in assets. The company also manages mutual funds, retirement plans, and other accounts worth more than $66 billion, and compiles the well-known Russell 1000, 2000, and 3000 stock indexes. Russell's clients include numerous major corporations such as AT&T, General Motors, and Compaq, and the firm also has marketing alliances with many international financial service organizations such as A.G. Edwards, Crédit du Nord, Société Générale, and the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. A subsidiary of Northwestern Mutual since 1999, Russell is headquartered in Tacoma, Washington and has offices in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Toronto, Sydney, Australia, Auckland, New Zealand, and Singapore.

Read more: Frank Russell Company Business Information, Profile, and History - Investment, Firm, Investors, and Management
David Quam

The Trilateral Commission, a super-elite cabal of 300 international power brokers who practically rule the world, does not publish their membership list on their web site. However, I recently requested it by mail, and here it is:
Current North American Members

>>> WINSTON LORD, Former U.S. Ambassador to China

Keeping a little humor...........

Pillsbury's Sizzling Scandal

Is Pillsbury's Poppin Fresh really the friendly, fun loving guy shown in the ads, or is there another side to the story? Hear what his ex-wife Poppy had to say in "Pillsbury's Sizzling Scandal - When Romance Goes Stale."

Take 180 Challenge– How Would You Parody An Ad?
Title: Pillsbury’s Sizzling Scandal – When Romance Goes Stale:
The True Story of What Happened Between Poppin’ Fresh and Little Poppy
By Marion Ravenwood  
Narrator: Did Pillsbury sugar coat one of the ad world’s most sizzling scandals? Despite his amiable appearance and high pitched, girlish giggle was Poppin Fresh really a “Type A” Control Freak known to slice and dice those who didn’t roll his way? Are the rumors of late night visits to the Candy Man and evenings out on the town with the occasional Pop Tart to be believed? And just who is buttering Little Poppy’s biscuits these days? Tonight you can find out when Lifestyles of the Rich and Frosted looks at: “Celebrity Divorces - When Romance Goes Stale: The True Story Behind Poppin Fresh and Little Poppy.”
Scene One: Our story begins in happier days when Poppin’s fresh face was stirring things up in town!
Mr. Pillsbury: (Raises his glass to Poppin Fresh) You’re one smart cookie, Fresh! The public is eating you up! Just look at this delicious pile of dough!
Poppin Fresh: Sigh…Man does not live by bread alone.
Mr. Pillsbury: What’s the matter, Fresh? Dissatisfied with your contract? After everything you’ve done for the company, I’d be happy to sweeten the pot!
Poppin Fresh: It’s not that Mr. Pillsbury. It’s just that…well, I need a woman! Without love, life in the limelight is bland, tasteless. I need to mix things up!
Mr. Pillsbury: I thought you were dating Betty Crocker?
Poppin Fresh: Oh, she’s off her crocker, if you ask me. She’s always in a brew about something. And that scalding tongue of hers curdles my cream!
Mr. Pillsbury: The boys in accounting told me that Mrs. Fields offered you a nibble of her cookies.
Poppin Fresh: Pfftt…Big deal, who hasn’t had his hand in her cookie jar?
Mr. Pillsbury: Well, what about that Hostess Twinkie we met on that flight last week? She looked like a nice piece of frosting!
Poppin Fresh: If you’ve had one Twinkie, you’ve had them all – it’s a quick sugar high, then a crash. I knead a girl who is unspoiled and all natural.
Mr. Pillsbury: Well, we did hire a new girl last week. She might be just your type, let me get her file. Here look at this. (He shows her Little Poppy’s photo).
Poppin Fresh: (His blue eyes blaze as he looks at Poppy’s picture. His chef hat pops off his head and steam comes out of his ears). She is exactly the hearty dish I’ve been hungering for, Mr. Pillsbury. I think she and I need to exchange recipes! When can we meet?
Scene Two:
Narrator: Mr. Pillsbury arranged a meeting, and all the ingredients for the perfect dish seemed to be there. Poppy was all sugar and spice and everything nice. Poppin Fresh brought her candy hearts and flours and she melted in his arms! It wasn’t long before the romance came to a boil and the couple hit the greased cookie sheet of love.
Poppin Fresh: Here these are for you, my little cream puff!
Little Poppy: Flour and candy hearts! My favorites! You, you complete me.
Poppin Fresh: Poppy, I think it’s time to turn up the heat!
Little Poppy: Is 350 degrees hot enough for you, Cupcake?
Poppin Fresh: Tee hee, hoo-hoo! You’re so yummy!
Narrator: Soon Poppy had a bun in the oven, and she gave birth to a son, Popper. Other children followed, a girl named Poppie Fresh, and a baby called Bun-Bun. The addition of Flapjack the dog ,and Biscuit the cat added spice to their life.
But the pressures of family life and business took its toll on Poppin Fresh. Competition from Famous Amos, Sarah Lee and Martha Stewart had him in a stew. He told friends that he felt burnt. To deal with the pain, he began to have secret meetings with the Candy Man who supplied him with sugar crystals. He stayed out late drinking shots with Dr. Pepper. Friends began to wonder if he had a problem. According to sources, all the stress left him unable to rise to the occasion at home and at work.
Little Poppy: Poppin, I’m busy, could you take the kids out to play batter’s up.

Can Americans Think (Strategically)? (Video)

Speaker: Kishore Mahbubani, Dean and Professor in the Practice of Public Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Presider: The Honorable Winston Lord, Chairman Emeritus, International Rescue Committee; Former President, Council on Foreign Relations

October 22, 2010
General Meeting: Can Americans Think (Strategically)?
Dean Kishore Mahbubani discusses the relations of the United States with the ASEAN countries, China, and India as well as strategic geopolitical contradictions and opportunities for the United States in Asia.


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