Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Famous Texans George H.W. Bush
"Read my lips. No new taxes.”  --A broken campaign promise made by George Bush in 1988.
Best known for: Forty-first president of the United States.
Born: June 12, 1924
Family: Father: Prescott Sheldon Bush, Republican senator from Connecticut. Wife: married Barbara Pierce, daughter of McCall’s publishing empire chairman Marvin Pierce, in 1945. Children: George Walker Bush, Pauline Robinson Bush (“Robin” died at age 4), Dorothy, Marvin, Jeb, Neil Mallon Bush. Maternal grandfather: George Herbert Walker, Sr., founder of private Wall Street banking firm, G.H. Walker and Company.
Education: Yale graduate (1948) with a degree in economics.
Profession: As a Texas businessman who made a fortune drilling for oil before entering politics, George Herbert Walker Bush proved somewhat successful at using other people’s money to build his own wealth, and ultimately a successful political career.
The company Bush most wanted to work for after graduation, Proctor and Gamble, rejected him. After interviewing with several other companies, Bush used his family connections to get a job.
Like his son George and grandson George W., Prescott Bush, was a Yale graduate and member of Yale’s secretive Skull and Bones Society. Before becoming senator from Connecticut (1952-1963), Prescott was the longest-sitting member of the board of directors of Dresser Industries, a Dallas-based oil drilling equipment supply company.
Prescott convinced his partners at the banking house of Brown Brothers Harriman –among them Averell Harriman, a fellow Skull and Bones member-- to wave the firm’s nepotism rule so George could work there. Uncle George Herbert Walker, Jr. offered him a job at G.H. Walker and Co., the private Wall Street banking firm founded by his father, Bush’s maternal grandfather.
Instead of taking those two prospects, George opted for a third family tie. He met with Henry Neil Mallon, the president of Dresser Industries. Mallon offered George his first job at Dresser subsidiary International Derrick and Equipment Company (Ideco), in Odessa, Texas. Brown Brothers Harriman had underwritten Dresser’s transition from a private company to a publicly traded one. Years later, George named a son after Mallon.
In 1953, Bush got money from Brown Brothers Harriman and, with partners Hugh and Bill Liedtke, formed Zapata Petroleum. By the late 1950s they were millionaires. Bush bought subsidiary Zapata Off-Shore from his partners and went into business on his own in 1954. By 1958, the new company was drilling on the Cay Sal Bank in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. These islands had been leased to Nixon supporter and CIA contractor Howard Hughes the previous year and were later used as a base for CIA raids on Cuba. The CIA was using companies like Zapata to stage and supply secret missions attacking Fidel Castro’s Cuban government in advance of the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA’s codename for that invasion was “Operation Zapata.” In 1981, all Securities and Exchange Commission filings for Zapata Off-Shore between 1960 and 1966 were destroyed. In other words, the year Bush became vice president, important records detailing his years at his drilling company disappeared. In 1969, Zapata bought the United Fruit Company of Boston, another company with strong CIA connections.


Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used
in the JFK Conspiracy:


by Richard Bartholomew

This Foreword is a proposition for those familiar with my monograph, Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy, and a prognosticative prologue for those who are not. While based on the facts presented in the monograph, facts in its subsequent updates, and facts from research not included here, this is an interpretation of those facts, meant only as a simplified supposition, to be used as a rough guide through the complex material that follows.

In the 1930s, two anti-communist guerrillas, James Burnham and George Lyman Paine, went undercover as communists, infiltrated the leadership of the American Trotskyist movement -- the world's largest Trotskyist organization -- and helped tear it apart. In 1940, their mission ended with the assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico City.

One of the two anti-communist guerrillas, James Burnham, went on to teach the newly formed CIA about covert operations. He also went on to teach philosophy at Yale and recruit CIA agents from among his students.

In 1950, Burnham recruited a Yale student, William F. Buckley, Jr., and introduced him to CIA agent E. Howard Hunt. Hunt was a favorite of CIA Director Allen Dulles. Buckley's father also knew the Dulles family, having shared foreign-policy adventures in Mexico with Dulles' uncle, Robert Lansing, when Lansing was President Wilson's secretary of state........................

Hard to believe? Read on.
Richard Bartholomew
April 20, 1997


By his first wife, Lyman Paine was the father of two sons, Cameron and Michael. Michael's wife Ruth Paine befriended the wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, and both Michael and Ruth testified before the Warren Commission after the assassination of President Kennedy.

Police Tapes 11/22/63

The JFK Assassination Dallas Police Tapes

History in Real Time

This is history as it happened.

In the wake of the assassination, all hell broke loose on the two radio channels used by the Dallas Police Department. Although complicated by a technical glitch that took out Channel One (see below), the Dallas cops swung into action to clear the president's path to Parkland hospital, to find the killer or killers, to run down a variety of false leads and nuisances, and finally to capture the killer of one of their own.
What follows is the transcript of the Dallas police transmissions on both channels from 12:25 p.m, November 22nd, 1963, until the capture of Lee Oswald in the Texas Theater about 1:45 pm. Selected portions of the transmissions are available for listening in Real Media format. To hear these audio clips, you will need to have the Real Player downloaded and installed. Tramsmissions available as downloadable audio are highlighted in light orange. You can listen to them by clicking on the icon at the bottom of a particular segment.
The basis for these audio clips is an especially high-quality recording of the Dallas Police transmissions discovered by David Dix in the Minneapolis Public Library. Copies of this tape are available for sale. The transcript of Channel One is based on a transcript edited by Russ Shearer, and the transcript for Channel Two is from Warren Commission Exhibit 1974 (with some minor revisions).

Webb was an esteemed historian when he wrote an article in the May 1957 edition of Harper's entitled "The American West, Perpetual Mirage". In the article, Webb criticized U.S. water policy in the West, stating that the region was "a semidesert with a desert heart", and that it was a national folly to continue to follow the current federal policy (managed through the United States Bureau of Reclamation) of attempting to convert the region into productive cropland through irrigation. Webb's criticism of federal policy was roundly rebuked at the time, but some contemporary critics of U.S. water policy regard him as prophetic in his views.

Thomas became a member of what became known as the Suite 8F Group. The name comes from the room in the Lamar Hotel in Houston where they held their meetings. Members of the group included Lyndon B. Johnson, George Brown and Herman Brown (Brown & Root), Jesse H. Jones (multimillionaire investor in a large number of organizations and chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation), Gus Wortham (American General Insurance Company), Robert Kerr (Kerr-McGee Oil Industries), James Slither Abercrombie (Cameron Iron Works), William Hobby (Governor of Texas), Richard Russell (chairman of the Committee of Manufactures, Committee on Armed Forces and Committee of Appropriations) and John Connally (Governor of Texas). Alvin Wirtz and Edward Clark, were also members of the Suite 8F Group.

EXCERPT from link at top of page:
Instead of taking those two prospects, George opted for a third family tie. He met with Henry Neil Mallon, the president of Dresser Industries. Mallon offered George his first job at Dresser subsidiary International Derrick and Equipment Company (Ideco), in Odessa, Texas. Brown Brothers Harriman had underwritten Dresser’s transition from a private company to a publicly traded one. Years later, George named a son after Mallon.
In 1953, Bush got money from Brown Brothers Harriman and,

Several of these Texas politicians became involved in the Suite 8F Group, a collection of right-wing businessmen. The name comes from the room in the Lamar Hotel in Houston where they held their meetings. Members of the group included George Brown and Herman Brown (Brown & Root), Jesse H. Jones (multi-millionaire investor in a large number of organizations and chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation), Gus Wortham (American General Insurance Company), James Abercrombie (Cameron Iron Works), Hugh R. Cullen (Quintana Petroleum), William Hobby (Governor of Texas and owner of the Houston Post), William Vinson (Great Southern Life Insurance), James Elkins (American General Insurance and Pure Oil Pipe Line), Morgan J. Davis (Humble Oil), Albert Thomas (chairman of the House Appropriations Committee), Lyndon B. Johnson (Majority Leader of the Senate) and John Connally (Texas politician). Alvin Wirtz, Thomas Corcoran, Homer Thornberry and Edward Clark, were four lawyers who also worked closely with the Suite 8F Group.
Suite 8F helped to coordinate the political activities of other right-wing politicians and businessmen based in the South. This included Robert Anderson (president of the Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary of the Treasury), Robert Kerr (Kerr-McGee Oil Industries), Billie Sol Estes (entrepreneur in the cotton industry), Glenn McCarthy (McCarthy Oil and Gas Company), Earl E. T. Smith (U.S. Sugar Corporation), Fred Korth (Continental National Bank and Navy Secretary), Ross Sterling (Humble Oil), Sid Richardson (Texas oil millionaire), Clint Murchison (Delhi Oil), Haroldson L. Hunt (Placid Oil), Eugene B. Germany (Mustang Oil Company), David Harold Byrd (Byrd Oil Corporation), Lawrence D. Bell (Bell Helicopters), William Pawley (business interests in Cuba), Gordon McLendon (KLIF), George Smathers (Finance Committee and businessman), Richard Russell (chairman of the Committee of Manufactures, Committee on Armed Forces and Committee of Appropriations), James Eastland (chairman Judiciary Committee), Benjamin Everett Jordan (chairman of the Senate Rules Committee), Fred Black (political lobbyist and Serve-U Corporation) and Bobby Baker (political lobbyist and Serve-U Corporation).
One of the major concerns of this group was to protect the interests of the Texas oil industry. The most prolific oil reserves in the United States was not discovered until October, 1930. The East Texas Oilfield included Rusk, Upshur, Gregg and Smith counties. The first small company to find oil in East Texas was Deep Rock Oil Company. The first investor to take advantage of the discovery was Haroldson L. Hunt. He bought 5,000 acres of leases and an eighty-acre tract for $1,335,000. Hunt soon owned 500 wells in East Texas.

He was born on February 18, 1891 in Mexia, Texas to John Lee Wortham and Fannie Sessions.[1] He moved with his father, John Lee Wortham, to Houston, Texas, and opened John L. Wortham and Son, an insurance agency. Eleven years later he founded the American General Insurance Company with Jesse H. Jones, James A. Elkins, and John W. Link.[2] American General was acquired by
American International Group on August 29, 2001.[1]


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