Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reduced muscle & bone functioningThey beam your leg so it won’t feel good when jogging. They beam your hands/fingers to prevent you from writing, playing your musical instrument etc. One effect is you will have reduced strength in your fingers. You can feel the beam by moving your legs, hands.

In general, you have not much possibilities to protect yourself. You cannot walk around in a metal/water shield and function as a human being. Most attacks are very effective and it appears to be relatively easy to hit you anywhere anytime. There is a short term effect of pain and damage of body cells. Exposure for a long time to high intensity radiation is very dangerous for your health. Amounts add up, thus total radiation = radiation of day X1 + radiation of day X2, etc. Too much radiation destroys your DNA and gives you tumors and stimulates cancers (you can imagine the health hazard of high energy radiation compared to a mobile phone). Ultrasonic harressment will cause almost immediately tissue damage.
It cannot be proven so we just do it
Not only whistleblowers or people who are government-unfriendly, but also thousands of normal innocent citizens, are being ‘finished off’ by secret services using electronic weapons and gang stalking worldwide every year. People are being driven out of their mind, driven to despair and they become suicidal, criminal or end up in a staged car crash or a psychiatric ward. The reason why is on the whole totally obscure. Stealing ideas, wanting to have a house in a strategic place, being used as human guinea pigs, being blamed for anything or personal motives, electronic weapons make it increasingly easy to kill people (physically or mentally) without leaving evidence. And in the hands of secret services these weapons are even more dangerous. These services are specialised in eliminating. Nowadays they use electronic weapons while in the past they used a knife, a bullet, poison or a car crash.

These weapons make killing someone more and more anonymous. It is not necessary to stab someone. Just to push a button in a room elsewhere is enough. The general thought is: it cannot be proven so we just do it. But it should not be like this. Torturing and killing with these weapons is horrendous and are crimes against humanity.

Military Directed Energy Weapon Technology like that used on 9/11

Bancorp Momentum Visa card... scandal

California residents hit with government ban on paying by cash (watch the video please)
01-27-2011  • 

Residents of Discovery Bay, California will be the first in the country to be officially denied the right to use cash to pay for public services, in a move that echoes the Department of Homeland Security’s drive to depict those who use physical money as potential terrorists.
As reported by the Contra Costa Times recently, from May onwards, residents will no long be allowed to pay water bills or purchase park permits after the Discovery Bay Community Services District board voted to ban cash transactions for all services.
James P. (Jim or Big Jim[1]) Tucker, Jr. is an American journalist who, since 1975, has focused on exposing the controversial Bilderberg Group. He is the author of Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary and has appeared in several films.
Tucker is recognised as a "veteran Bilderberg observer" and "the doyen of Bilderberg hunters".[2][3]

To totally destroy a person's nervous system and kill them instantaneously, a scalar weapon can be set on 'high intensity pulse mode'. This will destroy every living cell, bacteria and all germs so the body falls down like a limp rag, not even decaying in even 30-45 days. There is no living aspect left to decay. Entire groups of people can be killed this way even in a 50 mile radius on peak power. Scalar beams set on a lower power can render a person unconscious to be revived at a later date for interrogation. Crossed scalar beams can cover a whole range of targets from something right through the other side of the earth, to anything under the sea or ground. Not even metal will suffice to protect, as a metal softening mode can be deployed. Scalar beams can be put into X ray mode where a screen can show what is inside something, even under the sea and earth or inside buildings. This is called a remote viewing radar.

Directed-energy weapon

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Directed-energy weapon
Active Denial System Humvee.jpg
Humvee with Active Denial System mounted
A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It transfers energy to a target for a desired effect. Intended effects may be non-lethal or lethal. Some such weapons are real, or are under active research and development.
The energy can come in various forms:
Some such weapons, perhaps most, at present only appear in science fiction, non-functional toys, film props or animation.
In science fiction, these weapons are sometimes known as death rays or rayguns and are usually portrayed as projecting energy at a person or object to kill or destroy. Many modern examples of science fiction have more specific names for directed energy weapons, due to research advances.

Star Wars in Iraq (video inside)
Alex Jones Confronts FBI Agent Regarding Waco Massacre
Alex Jones Confronts FBI Agent Regarding Waco MassacreTalk show host and truth activist Alex Jones confronts an FBI agent at Mt. Carmel (Waco, TX) where 82 men, women, and children were slaughtered. Regardless of the opinions or perceived "extreme" views of the davidians, the focus here is the government's slaughter and coverup of their murders.
Alex Jones Confronts Janet Reno on Waco
Alex Jones Confronts Janet Reno on WacoAlex Jones confronts a shaky and scared Janet Reno with the truth.
Alex Jones - "I Will Never Commit Suicide"
Alex Jones - !UPDATE: Dr Kelly &apos;couldn&apos;t have slit his wrist as he was too weak&apos; Miles Goslett DailyMail July 1, 2010 Dramatic new testimony has heaped pressure on ministers to reopen the investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly. A female colleague claims that the UN weapons inspector could not have committed suicide as claimed, as he was too weak to cut his own wrist. Mai Pedersen, a US Air Force officer who served with Dr Kelly&apos;s inspection team in Iraq, said a hand and arm injury meant that the 59-year-old even &apos;had difficulty cutting his own steak&apos;. 70-year gag on Kelly death evidence London Evening Standard January 24, 2010 Evidence relating to the death of Government weapons inspector David Kelly is to be kept secret for 70 years, it has been reported. A highly unusual ruling by Lord Hutton, who chaired the inquiry into Dr Kellys death, means medical records including the post-mortem report will remain classified until after all those with a direct interest in the case are dead, the Mail on Sunday reported. And a 30-year secrecy order has been placed on written records provided to Lord Huttons inquiry which were not produced in evidence. The Ministry of Justice said decisions on the evidence were a matter for Lord Hutton. But Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who has conducted his own investigations into Dr Kellys death, described the order as astonishing. Dr Kellys body was found in woods close to his Oxfordshire home in 2003, shortly after it was revealed that he was the <b>...</b>
Alex Jones - America Wake Up or Waco 10 of 12
Alex Jones - America Wake Up or Waco 10 of 12If you like this documentary, also try "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" (The Fifth Estate) for a comprehensive look at what really happened at Waco.
Alex Jones - America Wake Up or Waco 1 of 12
Alex Jones - America Wake Up or Waco 1 of 12If you like this documentary, also try "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" (The Fifth Estate) for a comprehensive look at what really happened at Waco.

Waco Slaughter Waco 1993 (caution: some disturbing images)
Officials at FBI probed, rewarded
Jerry Seper

Published 11/16/2002
Senior FBI executives received cash bonuses and promotions while under investigation for suspected misconduct during an internal bureau review of the August 1992 standoff at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, that claimed three lives.
The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General yesterday said in a report the bonuses and promotions went to former FBI Deputy Director Larry A. Potts, later demoted and suspended for improper oversight of the deadly siege; and E. Michael Kahoe, a senior FBI executive sentenced to prison for destroying a critical Ruby Ridge document.
Other cash awards and promotions, the report said, went to Danny O. Coulson, former deputy assistant director who worked for Mr. Potts; and three senior FBI executives, Charles Mathews, Robert E. Walsh and Van A. Harp, accused of not conducting proper after-the-fact investigations to determine what happened at Ruby Ridge.
"While a presumption of innocence is usually appropriate while a subject is under investigation, rewarding a subject who is later found to have committed misconduct can result in adverse consequences," the report said. "The FBI should be mindful of the message it sends to both the investigators in a particular case and the rest of the FBI when subjects of an investigation are promoted or receive bonuses or awards while under investigation.
"This is especially true where high-level officials are under investigation, because investigators may interpret the giving of an award as an indication that senior management has already judged the merits of the investigation," it said.
The inspector general's report is the result of an investigation to determine whether the FBI's system of discipline is unfair because senior bureau executives are treated more leniently than rank-and-file agents. Investigators used the Ruby Ridge incident as an example.
The report concluded there was insufficient evidence to prove a double-standard of discipline, in part, because of the low number of cases involving senior executives, but that the FBI "suffered and still suffers from a strong, and not unreasonable, perception among employees that a double standard exists."
In the Ruby Ridge case, Vicki Weaver was killed Aug. 22, 1992, by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi. He was acting on shoot-on-sight orders, although it has never been determined who authorized a change in the bureau's rules of engagement that allowed the shooting. Her son, Samuel, 14, and Deputy U.S. Marshal William F. Degan, died in a separate shootout a day earlier.
Mrs. Weaver's husband, Randy, had been sought on weapons violations. He and a family friend, Kevin Harris, also were wounded. They were charged in Mr. Degan's death, but acquitted by an Idaho jury.
Mr. Potts and Mr. Coulson, who directed the siege from Washington, denied ordering changes in the bureau's deadly-force policy. But Eugene F. Glenn, who headed the Salt Lake City office and was the on-site commander at Ruby Ridge, and Richard Rogers, head of the FBI's hostage-rescue team, have disputed the claims of Mr. Potts and Mr. Coulson.
Among the FBI executives named in the report, only Mr. Kahoe was found guilty of any wrongdoing. Several were recommended for suspension or demotion, but only letters of censure were ever issued.
The inspector general's report said Mr. Potts was named acting deputy director in 1994, prior to the completion of an internal FBI investigation into government conduct during the Ruby Ridge siege. The report said despite Mr. Potts' receipt in January 1995 of a letter of censure in the Ruby Ridge matter, he was named deputy director in May 1995.
According to the report, Mr. Coulson was promoted to agent-in-charge in Baltimore in April 1993 while still a focus of the FBI's internal Ruby Ridge investigation. It said he was given a cash award of $5,590 in November 1993, although the investigation remained active.
Mr. Coulson was named to lead the FBI's Dallas office in September 1994, the report said, before recommendations regarding discipline in Ruby Ridge had been completed. He later received a letter of censure for his role in the standoff.
Mr. Walsh received a cash award of 5 percent of his salary while under investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) in the Ruby Ridge matter, the report said. It said he was named agent-in-charge of the FBI's San Francisco field office in December 1996 while he was the focus of a separate criminal probe of Ruby Ridge by U.S. Attorney Michael Stiles in Philadelphia.
According to the report, FBI Director Louis J. Freeh asked the OPR and Mr. Stiles about the promotion, and the OPR did not object, Mr. Stiles declined comment. The report said a memo to Attorney General Janet Reno requesting approval for Mr. Walsh's move to San Francisco did not mention the investigation.
Mr. Harp, now head of the Washington field office, was named agent-in-charge in Cleveland after OPR began an investigation into the inadequacy of his after-the-fact Ruby Ridge probe, the report said. It said a memo to Mr. Freeh presenting Mr. Harp's qualifications did not mention the ongoing probe, although the inspector general's report said Mr. Freeh was aware of the investigation and its scope.
In addition, the report said, Mr. Harp was given a cash bonus of $8,099 in November 1997 while under investigation in the Ruby Ridge matter and a $14,208 bonus in October 1998 while that inquiry continued and a separate probe began into his role in the receipt of travel reimbursements by FBI senior executives to attend a 1997 retirement party for Mr. Potts.
Mr. Walsh and Mr. Harp had been assigned to investigate accusations of misconduct by the government in the Ruby Ridge matter. The OPR later said they did not take sufficiently aggressive steps in the probe and avoided uncovering the full truth to protect Mr. Potts and Mr. Coulson.
The report said Mr. Mathews was promoted to the FBI's Senior Executive Service (SES) in July 1995 after the OPR had begun its investigation into accusations that a separate internal Ruby Ridge inquiry he headed was inadequate. It said Mr. Mathews, who served as a top assistant to Mr. Coulson in Portland, Ore., from 1988 to 1990, was promoted to agent-in-charge in New Orleans in June 1997 while the OPR investigation continued.
Mr. Mathews was assigned to find out what, if any, disciplinary action should be taken against FBI personnel involved in the Ruby Ridge incident. His report recommended discipline for several agents at the scene, but did not contain any recommendations for discipline for Mr. Potts or Mr. Coulson.
The inspector general's report said Mr. Kahoe got a cash award of $7,126 in November 1993 during the initial Ruby Ridge investigation and was named agent-in-charge in Jacksonville, Fla., in June 1994 while still under investigation. He pleaded guilty in October 1996 to obstruction of justice and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.
Mr. Kahoe destroyed a November 1992 after-action report that referred to "problems" in the FBI's conduct during the Weaver siege. The document had been sought by federal prosecutors in Idaho, but was never made available.
Scientific Games Corporation (NASDAQSGMS) is a New York City-based company that provides gaming solutions to lottery and gaming organizations worldwide. Products include instant lottery games, lottery gaming systems, terminals and service, and internet applications.
Larry A. Potts
Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer and Director of Security

Scientific Games Corporation

New York ,  NY

Sector: TECHNOLOGY  /  Multimedia & Graphics Software

Officer since September 2004
62 Years Old
Larry A. Potts has served as Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer and Director of Security since February 2006. Mr. Potts joined the Company in September 2004 as Vice President, Security and Compliance. Previously, he was the Chief Operating Officer of an international consulting and investigative company in Washington, D.C. Prior to that, he served as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for over 23 years, where he served in a number of management positions, including Deputy Director.
Compensation for 2009

Restricted stock awards$178,413.00
All other compensation$5,469.00
Option awards $$178,502.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation$85,000.00
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings$0.00
Total Compensation$916,884.00

Options Granted

All other stock awards (# of shares of stocks or units)Number of securities underlying optionsExercise
or base
Percent of total options granted in fiscal yearGrant date fair value of stock and option awardsSee More
02/23/2009 - - $ - 0% $178,413.00
02/23/2009 - - $12.21 0% $178,502.00
- - - $ - 0% $ -

Scientific Games Corporation (NASDAQSGMS) is a New York City-based company that provides gaming solutions to lottery and gaming organizations worldwide. Products include instant lottery games, lottery gaming systems, terminals and service, and internet applications.

Louis J. Freeh Director

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

New York ,  NY

Sector: HEALTHCARE  /  Drug Manufacturers - Major

Director ,  Wilmington Trust Corp

Wilmington ,  DE

Sector: FINANCIAL  /  Regional - Mid-Atlantic Banks

60 Years Old
Mr. Freeh, age 60, has served as Senior Managing Partner of the Freeh Group International Solutions, LLC, a consulting firm, and Managing Partner, Freeh Sullivan Sporkin, LLP, a law firm, since 2007. Mr. Freeh served as Vice Chairman, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Ethics Officer to MBNA Corporation, a bank holding company, from 2001 until its acquisition by Bank of America in January 2006. He served as FBI Director from 1993 to 2001 and previously as a U.S. District Judge, Assistant U.S. Attorney and FBI Special Agent. Mr. Freeh is a Director of Wilmington Trust and previously served as a Director of Fannie Mae, Viisage Technology, Inc. and L-1 Identity Solutions.
During the pontificate of John Paul II, two members of Opus Dei, Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne and Julián Herranz Casado, were made cardinals.[39]

Board of Directors
Louis J. Freeh

Louis J. Freeh

Louis J. Freeh is president of Freeh Group International, LLC, a practice of former federal judges and former senior FBI leaders who provide legal, governance, investigative, litigation, and risk management services. He previously served as general counsel, corporate secretary and ethics officer at MBNA Corporation, as well as vice chairman of MBNA America Bank N.A., from 2001 to 2006. Mr. Freeh was the director of the FBI from 1993 to 2001 and served as a judge on the United States District Court, Southern District of New York from 1991 to 1993. Mr. Freeh also served as an assistant U.S. attorney and deputy U.S. attorney in New York from 1981 to 1991. From 1975 to 1981, he worked as a supervisor and special agent for the FBI in Washington, D.C., and New York.

Mr. Freeh has been a member of the board of Bristol-Myers Squibb since 2005. He also has been a member of the board of L-1 Identity Solutions since 2006.

As of March 31, 2007, Mr. Freeh was 57 years old.

Mr. Freeh has been a Fannie Mae director since May 2007.
Originally Published: June 20, 2007
| Chairman, Jerry Colangelo |
| Vice Chair, Paul J. Chiapparone |
| Vice Chair, Hon. Louis J. Freeh |
| Vice Chair, Hon. Patricia de Stacy Harrison |
| Vice Chair, Vincent Viola |
| President, Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq. |
| Executive V.P., Hon. Marie L. Garibaldi |
| Executive V.P., Salvatore M. Salibello |
| Treasurer, Gabriel A. Battista |
| Secretary, John F. Calvelli |
| General Counsel, Arthur J. Furia, Esq. |

Jerry Colangelo

Jerry Colangelo

Throughout his storied career as a sports executive, Jerry Colangelo has succeeded with a unique combination of know-how, both on the basketball court and on the business side of the operation.
Colangelo, who has been the face of the Phoenix Suns franchise since their inaugural season in 1968, sold the franchise for a record $401 million in June, 2007 and retains the title of chairman for five years. Colangelo has been among The Sporting News most powerful people in sports for over the last decade.
He became the youngest general manager in professional sports in 1968 and went on mold the Phoenix Suns into one of the most successful organizations in the NBA. In addition, he brought Major League Baseball to the Valley in 1998 and serves as Chairman of the 2001 World Champion Arizona Diamondbacks.
Colangelo is Chairman of the NBA's Board of Governors. He has served as general manager, head coach, president and now chairman and chief executive officer of the Suns. Colangelo has been named NBA Executive of the Year an unprecedented four times.
He is currently chairman of the Council of Leadership Education and Collaboration for a New Century, Southwest Leadership Foundation, National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame and Leadership Foundations of America. He is a trustee of the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, and a director National Italian American Foundation and Young Life International.
Colangelo grew up in Chicago Heights, where the Jerry Colangelo Gymnasium was dedicated on November 10, 1996. Colangelo and his wife, Joan, have four children and 10 grandchildren.

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Hon. Louis J. Freeh
(Vice Chair)

Hon. Louis J. Freeh
Vice Chair

Judge Freeh was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1950. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Rutgers College in 1971. He received a J.D. degree from Rutgers Law School in 1974 and an LL.M. degree in criminal law from New York University Law School in 1984. He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve.
Judge Freeh served as FBI Director from 1993-2001. From 1991 to 1993 he served as a United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. In 1983, he joined the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York as an Assistant United States Attorney. Subsequently he held positions there as Chief of the Organized Crime Unit, Associate United States Attorney and Deputy United States Attorney. From 1975 to 1981 he was a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving in New York City and Washington, DC.
As an Assistant U.S. Attorney in New York, Judge Freeh was the lead prosecutor in the "Pizza Connection" case, one of the largest and most complex narcotics investigations ever undertaken by the Federal Government. The case involved an extensive drug-trafficking operation in the United States by Sicilian organized crime members who imported tons of drugs into the United States and laundered $100s of millions overseas. Following the investigation, Judge Freeh served as the Federal Government's principal courtroom attorney in the 17-month trial and won the conviction of 16 of 17 codefendants. In May 1990, he was appointed a Special Prosecutor by the Attorney General to oversee the investigation into the mail-bomb murders of Federal Judge Robert Vance of Birmingham, Alabama, and civil rights leader Robert Robinson of Savannah, Georgia. Both were killed by mail bombs. After an extensive investigation, the suspect was apprehended and convicted. Judge Freeh prosecuted the case before a jury in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Judge Freeh has been recognized on several occasions for his exemplary accomplishments, which include investigations and prosecutions relating to racketeering, drugs, organized crime, fraud, white-collar crime and terrorism. In 1987 and 1991, he received the Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service, the second highest annual honor given by the Department of Justice. Other commendations include the John Marshall Award for Preparation of Litigation, awarded annually by the Attorney General, and the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Award.
Judge Freeh served as General Counsel at MBNA America Bank from 2001-2006. Judge Freeh is currently the Senior Managing Partner at Freeh Group International and a Director for several public companies.
Judge Freeh is Chairman of the Governance and Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors for Bristol-Myers Squibb, and sits on a number of non-profit boards, including the United States Naval Academy Foundation, the National Italian American Foundation and the International Association of Chief of Police Foundation.
Judge Freeh is also a founding partner of Freeh, Sporkin and Sullivan, a law firm comprised of former federal judges with offices in Washington and New York, which speicalizes in corporate governance, compliance, white-collar crime and securities matters.
Judge Freeh and his wife Marilyn have six sons.
In the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a dramatic presentation to the U.N. Security Council. The United States had first-hand accounts, he said, detailing how Hussein was secretly creating biological agents using mobile laboratories in "road-trailer units and rail cars."
As slides depicting drawings of the supposed germ labs flashed on a big screen in the Security Council's chamber, Powell drove his point home:
"The source is an eyewitness, an Iraqi chemical engineer, who supervised one of these facilities."
Just days after Powell's presentation, U.N. weapons inspectors presented evidence they said disproved those claims. But six weeks later, on March 20, 2003, the United States launched its invasion, toppling Hussein's government in three weeks but locking itself in a war against an insurgency that has cost more than 4,000 American lives.

Code-name -Curveball - Alwan
The administration of former US President George Bush relied heavily on Alwan’s fabricated testimony that the Iraqi dictator Hussein was using mobile laboratories to manufacture biological weapons, even though the BND had expressed doubts about the claims – doubts that some CIA officials shared.

Winston Churchill

            Winston Churchill was a racist though highly regarded for his sills as a good orator and leader. During Palestine Royal Commission in 1937 Winston Churchill said that, he is not ready to admit that anything wrong has been done to Red Indians of America or black people in Australia. A strong and fit race has just taken over the weaker. Not only this but in many other speech he gave he had made his views clear about racism.

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