Friday, February 4, 2011

Click the link and watch Jordan Page sing 'Liberty'.  You won't be sorry I promise.

For Liberty Lyrics

Why do we sit down when all should be standing
And why do we back down at the critical moment
Like running away from the waves of the ocean
We head for the hills with the high tide approaching
As sand slips away from the castle
When it’s time to stand upright why do we falter
Like placing our freedom on the sacrificial altar
We hold tight to our fears and defend our oppressors
As we fight for their lies and become the transgressors
As pacifists transform to violent aggressors
But I’m only a stranger here
I’m a long long way from my home
And they say I can’t change
All the things I find strange
For what can one man do alone
What can one man do alone
When is the right time to stand up for freedom
Could it be when you start to feel creating children
Who’ll inherit the pain and the debt of this nation
And be slaves to the banks that cause hyper-inflation
Who are masters of commerce, lies, and bad legislation
If you looked in the eyes of a thousand young children
Through fences of razors, their innocence stolen
As the red flag of tyranny flies in the open
Is that when you’ll finally notice
But I’m only a stranger here
I’m a long long way from my home
And they say I can’t change
All the things I find strange
For what can one man do alone
Yes what can one man do alone
I’m only a stranger looking to find better nature in my fellow man
But they keep telling me it’s a sin to be free
And that’s more than I’m willing to stand
Where will you be when the order is given
To censor your mind as free speech is forbidden
As martyrs for peace from the world will be driven
Away by the sound of a bellowing thunder
And choke on the blood of a dream going under
As arrogant men tear up our Constitution
And from every direction we cry R3VOLution!
Standing together and without permission
Soldiers for truth in the war of attrition
The love of our country as our ammunition
But I’m only a stranger here
I’m a long long way from my home
And I’m going to change
All the things I find strange
For I am not one man alone
Yes I’m only a stranger
I’m a long long way from my home
And I’m going to change
All the things I find strange
For I know that I’m not alone
Yes I know that I’m not alone, not alone
Jordan’s wearing a Campaign For Liberty hoodie
"We Know the Truth" - The LOVEolution goes to Egypt
Written by Ernest Hancock
Date: 02-04-2011
Subject: Revolution|ar|We%20Know%20the%20Truth%0A
Google Translators are already available and the graphics are very timely.

What would happen if all of the Technology, Graphics, Lyrics, Music, Philosophy and the Rhetoric of the r3VOLution was sent to Cairo LOVEolutionaries? I don't know but we are going to find out... 

Think of your favorites and send them to me now at The Libertarian Party of the United States, The International Society for Individual Liberty, and several artists and activists are already putting together a list of addresses to send these activist packets to. We will begin compiling a kit of printed material and Computer files to be placed on CDs. We will begin with about 50 of the best activists in the Cairo area that will have the best access to activists and artists to customize the Graphics, Supply translated lyrics to music and to learn from our experiences. We also need files placed on the web for them to access.

It started with today's radio show in Hour One
Because we can :)

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock strives to create an understanding of the Philosophy of Liberty. Understanding is far more important than agreement -- that will come in its own time.
Listen Live!
Liberty Radio Network (LRN)  •
Times:  EST 3pm-5pm  •  CST 2pm-4pm
  MNT(AZ) 1pm-3pm  •  PST 12pm-2pm Listen by Phone or Mobile Device!
Tune into our 24/7 stream on any phone, anywhere.
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long-distance phone plan, this is a free call for you!
Listen as long as you like at 760-569-7753!

Subject:  Entertainment: Music
Jordan Page - New album "Liberty" / Mark Hinkle - LP Chair / Joshua Stacher - Expert on Egypt
Jordan Page - New album "Liberty" released Feb 1st 2011 / Mark Hinkle - Libertarian Party Chair - "Libertarian Party of the United States on Egypt and the role/non-role of USA" / Joshua Stacher - Expert on Egypt
Program Date:  Friday, February 4, 2011


Media Type: Audio   •  Time: 40:19 Mins and Secs
File Size: 38.71 Mb   File Type: .mp3
Guests:  Jordan Page , Mark Hinkle
Topics:  New album , Egypt

FreedomsPhoenix Newsletter: Morning Dispatch - Afternoon Dispatch 

Jordan Page - New album "Liberty" released Feb 1st 2011
Buy it on iTunes, CD Baby, and anywhere online music is sold!!!


Mark Hinkle - Libertarian Party Chair - "Libertarian Party of the United States on Egypt and the role/non-role of USA" 


Media Type: Audio   •  Time: 40:19 Mins and Secs
File Size: 38.69 Mb   File Type: .mp3
Guests:  Joshua Stacher

Topics:  Egypt

Joshua Stacher - Expert on Egypt
Joshua is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Kent State University, where he teaches and researches Middle East politics and authoritarianism.

Articles on the 2011 Egyptian Uprising:
1) "Into Egypt's Uncharted Territory" (With Hesham Sallam & Chris Toensing) in Middle East Report Online, February 1, 2011.
2) "Encouraging the Outcome Through Silence," Jadaliyya, February 3, 2011.

 •  •  •  
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Anderson Cooper at Undisclosed Location video
Crimes Against HumanityComplaint Filed Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al

International Arrest Warrants Requested
January 20, 2010 "Information Clearing House" - -Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign, U.S.A. has filed a Complaint with the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) in The Hague against U.S. citizens George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice, and Alberto Gonzales (the “Accused”) for their criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition” perpetrated upon about 100 human beings. This term is really their euphemism for the enforced disappearance of persons and their consequent torture. This criminal policy and practice by the Accused constitute Crimes against Humanity in violation of the Rome Statute establishing the I.C.C.

The United States is not a party to the Rome Statute. Nevertheless the Accused have ordered and been responsible for the commission of I.C.C. statutory crimes within the respective territories of many I.C.C. member states, including several in Europe. Consequently, the I.C.C. has jurisdiction to prosecute the Accused for their I.C.C. statutory crimes under Rome Statute article 12(2)(a) that affords the I.C.C. jurisdiction to prosecute for I.C.C. statutory crimes committed in I.C.C. member states.

The Complaint requests (1) that the I.C.C. Prosecutor open an investigation of the Accused on his own accord under Rome Statute article 15(1); and (2) that the I.C.C. Prosecutor also formally “submit to the Pre-Trial Chamber a request for authorization of an investigation” of the Accused under Rome Statute article 15(3).

For similar reasons, the Highest Level Officials of the Obama administration risk the filing of a follow-up Complaint with the I.C.C. if they do not immediately terminate the Accused’s criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition,” which the Obama administration has continued to implement.

The Complaint concludes with a request that the I.C.C. Prosecutor obtain International Arrest Warrants for the Accused from the I.C.C. in accordance with Rome Statute articles 58(1)(a), 58(1)(b)(i), 58(1)(b)(ii), and 58(1)(b)(iii).

In order to demonstrate your support for this Complaint you can contact the I.C.C. Prosecutor by letter, fax, or email as indicated below.

Francis A. Boyle
Professor of International Law
Law Building
504 East Pennsylvania Avenue
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Phone: 217-333-7954
Fax: 217-244-1478

The Honorable Luis Moreno-Ocampo
Office of the Prosecutor
International Criminal Court
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM, The Hague
The Netherlands
Fax No.: 31-70-515-8555


January 19, 2010

Dear Sir:

Please accept my personal compliments. I have the honor hereby to file with you and the International Criminal Court this Complaint against U.S. citizens George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice , and Alberto Gonzales (hereinafter referred to as the “Accused”) for their criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition.” This term is really a euphemism for the enforced disappearances of persons, their torture, severe deprivation of their liberty, their violent sexual abuse, and other inhumane acts perpetrated upon these Victims. The Accused have inflicted this criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition” upon about one hundred (100) human beings, almost all of whom are Muslims/Arabs/Asians and People of Color. I doubt very seriously that the Accused would have inflicted these criminal practices upon 100 White Judeo-Christian men.

UN evacuates 400 staff and family members from Egypt to Cyprus

03.02.2011 | Source:


43263.jpegThe United Nations will evacuate about 400 staff and family members from Egypt today and will temporarily base them in Cyprus, a spokesman said.

As many as four charter flights will transport the staff to Cyprus from this afternoon, Rolando Gomez, a spokesman for the UN force in Cyprus, said in a phone interview today. They will be temporarily relocated in Cyprus due to the security situation in Egypt, he said, reports.
About 40 flights were expected to leave, including charter flights, compared to over 90 on Wednesday, airport officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.
Airport officials said five Egyptians were detained Thursday for carrying weapons in their luggage. The five men were coming from Kenya and had stashed knives and whips in their baggage, apparently to defend themselves with upon their arrival in the capital, the officials said, according to Kansas City Star.

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