Sunday, February 6, 2011
The reports say that Mazen Dana, the Palestinian journalist who was killed by US soldiers in Iraq on August 17 was eliminated because he had pictures and was about to release a report confirming that the Pentagon actually buries these "undocumented soldiers" in the desert and never even sends their bodies back home. According to the report, journalist Mazen Dana had pictures showing US Army bulldozers shoving dead bodies with US military uniforms into open pits in the desert outside Baghdad. Mazen Dana was about to release a report that proved that these dead soldiers belonged to military companies consisting of these "undocumented soldiers".


To be a cameraman, to work in a divided city, to work in a city of lost hope. We are working among tanks, helicopters, hundreds of soldiers. The situation in Hebron is to, to be a cameraman it's very difficult for you, and always you are harassed from soldiers. Hebron is the center and the core of conflict, the Palestinian, and the Israeli conflict. So every day something happening in Hebron, even if it is calm in Palestinian areas and Israeli area. So because two hundred soldiers are living inside of Hebron city, this makes Hebron hell ...

Today you are working twenty four hours. And sometimes you are not able to sit with your kids.
Did the Pentagon order the assassination of a journalist in order to cover up secret mass burials of dead U.S. soldiers and U.S.- contracted mercenaries in the deserts around Baghdad?
What is really behind the killing of my colleague and friend, the Palestinian Reuters cameraman, Mazen Dana, in Bagdad? Is the Pentagon really scared of the media telling the U.S public what is really going on in Iraq? Do the criminals in the Pentagon want to cover their crimes against their own soldiers by killing journalists in Iraq? If so, then this is what can be called organized terror.
The U.S. troops obviously felt threatened and in big danger due to the Palestinian Reuters cameraman, Mazen Dana, who was investigating a story about secret burials of U.S. mercenaries and soldiers in mass graves in far-away places in deserts strips around Baghdad, burials which had obviously been authorized by the commanders of the U.S. army.
Mazen's scoop began when he realized that that the U.S. troops were burying human bodies wrapped in plastic in the desert. Initially, he thought that these were the bodies of Iraqi people. He kept watching and investigating the activities of the U.S. troops. He kept developing his scoop, working around different U.S. units and military jails, trying to figure out where the bodies had come from, and whether they were Iraqi or not.

Recipe for Terror

With the death toll of US soldiers having exceeded, in just seven months, that of the first three years of Vietnam it is worth asking if even these figures are the full truth. Many of those who have joined the military in Iraq, do not hold American passports, but were, broadly, promised that they would be given them on return, for their efforts against the 'war on terrorism'. According to Dr. Rokke, should they die, their deaths are not factored into 'US' casualties. Further, Mazen Dana, the Award winning Reuters camera man, shot dead by US troops whilst filming outside Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison in August - with full permission and press accreditation from the US Authorities in Baghdad - told his brother Nazmi, a chilling tale days before he died.
"Mazen told me by phone few days before his death that he discovered a mass grave dug by US troops to conceal the bodies of their fellow comrades killed in Iraqi resistance attacks, . . He also told me that he found US troops covered in plastic bags in remote desert areas and he filmed them for a TV program. . . Full story:

Meanwhile an alleged 1,700 US soldiers have deserted their posts in Iraq and 7,000 have left due to psychological troubles and other illnesses. . . Full story:

Full story:

With the death toll of US soldiers having exceeded, in just seven months, that of the first three years of Vietnam it is worth asking if even these figures are the full truth. Many of those who have joined the military in Iraq, do not hold American passports, but were, broadly, promised that they would be given them on return, for their efforts against the 'war on terrorism'. According to Dr Rokke, should they die, their deaths are not factored in to 'U.S.' casualties. Further, Mazen Dana, the Award winning Reuters camera man, shot dead by US troops whilst filming outside Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison in August - with full permission and press accreditation from the US Authorities in Baghdad - told his brother Nazmi, a chilling tale days before he died.
"Mazen told me by phone few days before his death that he discovered a mass grave dug by U.S. troops to conceal the bodies of their fellow comrades killed in Iraqi resistance attacks," Nazmi said.
"He also told me that he found U.S. troops covered in plastic bags in remote desert areas and he filmed them for a TV program. We are pretty sure that the American forces had killed Mazen knowingly to prevent him from airing his finding."
"All international and local news agencies sent cables of condolences to his family, lauding his ...... determination to uncover the truth wherever it was", recorded veteran Middle East correspondent Awed Al Ragoub.

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